Monthly Archives: November 2016


Fifteen years seem a long time and yet, the whirlwind of projects, innovations and progress happens in what seems like seconds.  A business is a wonderful vehicle to make a difference in many people’s lives.  It impacts the individuals that work in the corporation as well as those who contribute as partners and suppliers.  In more than one way, an enterprise such as Aseret and many others like us, contribute to the development of talent and consequently the profitability of clients.  Yet we often forget to recognize the difference every single one of the people and groups mentioned previously have made for us.  I am referring to the perspective we gained through our efforts to clearly understand customers’ business realities.  The impact is also felt via challenges offered to us, confrontation of ideas and discussions on strategies to optimize our services.  Over the years, individuals and teams that trusted our intent have supplied the platform for new product development.  As a result of this, we evolved from one niche product to over 17 different programs, each existing in various iterations to meet the needs of different stakeholders.  Aseret is now active in 3 spheres of Talent development, each intimately connected and yet often worlds apart considering the depth of collaboration they carry.  After 15 years in business we need to recognize the incredible synergy we have had the chance to develop and the priceless contribution clients have imparted on the difference we strive to make in our daily efforts.  To all our past, current and future partners, we offer our most sincere gratitude.